
The Discus language is an experimental dialect of Haskell which investigates static typing and program transformation in the presence of computational effects.

Disco the Discus Fish

The main language features are:

Version 0.5.1 (2017/10/23) includes new support for copying garbage collection and implicit function parameters.


For example programs, see the demo directory on github, which includes:


More Information

Home Page:http://discus-lang.org
Dev Blog:http://blog.discus-lang.org
Bug Tracker:http://trac.discus-lang.org
GitHub Page:https://github.com/discus-lang
Dev Buildbot:https://travis-ci.org/discus-lang
IRC Channel:Channel #discus-lang on http://freenode.net
Mailing List:http://groups.google.com/group/discus-lang
Commit Log:http://groups.google.com/group/discus-log